Sunday, March 2, 2008

Some completed Layouts

most of these are challenge layouts that i never get around to uploading,,,,,im hoping i shall be forgiven for uploading all of them here as we havent moved yet and so we dont have broadband.

Not even sure how i shall go uploading these files.....when they come up then i shall say what they were for...wish me luck:)
Okay first sons cute butt altought the photo is about his new bike he saved his apricot cutting money for. $525 i might add! Im not sure where this challenge was for i think chookscraps........
Second one...My Lad this was a chookscraps one that iloved doing...we had to use like blue, green, brown, white and orange in the colour scheme...i loved this layout....a candid shot of DS.
Old Ruins was a Scrapboutique challenge,we had to use the lyrics from "I still call Australia home" in our journalling.....and in actual fact im not sure if you can read the journalling in this but we lived under this tree as youngsters,,,,,and im mean lived......there were 5 kids and 2 adults and we lived in a EH not sure how we did it. We also lived on the river bank about oh five minutes away at Cobdogla,,,,,,yes i had a crappy childhood.......BUT i am so much stronger for it:)
Now Closed this is a Scrap Therapy Blind Challenge i did on friday night....this was taken at Nappers Bridge....not so far from the Old Ruins site....on this side of the bridge from where the pic was taken there also used to be an old houseboat we used to play on as kids:) But its gone now:(
Youth...well i did this one because DS was driving me CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have some hidden journalling behind this pic and i went out to scrap as he had made me so upset at the it is plain and boring......notice all the tiny little dots......?? Painstakingly done when all i wanted to do was scribble LOL.....
Anyway i hope you like what i have shared and i would love to read any comments you would care to make:)
Thanks Take care Charxx

1 comment:

Angie said...

Fab LO's! These are great!